Without the participation of the Divine Feminine, nothing new can be born. The feminine can give us an understanding of how all the diverse parts of life relate together, their patterns of relationship, the interconnections that nourish life. She can help us see consciously what She knows instinctively: that all is part of a living, organic whole, in which all parts of creation express the whole in a unique way. An understanding of the organic wholeness of life belongs to the instinctual knowing of the feminine, but combined with masculine consciousness this can be communicated in words, not just feelings. We can be given a blueprint of the planet that will enable us to live in creative harmony with all of life.
Llewellyn Vaugh-Lee, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, (The Golden Sufi Center, CA, 2009) 12
Llewellyn Vaugh-Lee, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, (The Golden Sufi Center, CA, 2009) 12