Same goes for the water, the fish. The animals. Oh, you don’t want to get me started about gratitude toward the animals that you eat. I wish all of you understood how amazing it is to be alive on this planet. I love this planet so much and I love you all so much. But you all have forgotten what a blessing it is to be alive. I’m going to repeat that. And say it louder. You all have forgotten how amazing it is to even be alive here on this planet I take care of!
All you seem to do these days is take and take and take and take. So it would be really nice for you all to start giving too. Giving. Saying thank you to that tree outside would be a good start. Or saying thank you to the water coming out of your tap. Or to the lakes and rivers and aquifers that you even have water coming out of the tap. Or to the water where the fish you ate last night lived. Or the fish. The crab. The lobster. Whatever you ate. The whole idea is giving back. Prayers count a great deal too.
When you all start expressing gratitude more, and really feeling it, you would be amazed at how wonderful that feels. For you and for me. For all the beings on this planet. When you start saying thank you from a place of really feeling it deep in your hearts and your bellies, oh… it’s like the way you feel when you eat really good chocolate. Oh, it’s such a sweet, positive energy. And I love it. It tickles me so and makes me so happy.
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©2016 Mare Cromwell
Gaia Communicator and multi-award-winning author of: The Great Mother Bible, Messages from Mother...Earth Mother, and, If I Gave You God’s Phone Number.