How God relates to womankind has been severely compromised. Since communication was between God and men alone, God’s heart is full of grief. My divinity has been compromised. God also wants to relate to us in a feminine way. God the Mother is working for and envisions a time when the world will not have a problem referring to Her as She. God has masculine and feminine love that can provide joy and happiness to others. We all want an experience with God. But if we don’t change the language with which we talk about God, we deny women and God the opportunity to speak her uniqueness and Herself. God likes to be referred to as a Woman God.
I invested my femininity and my masculinity in the creation of humankind. Simple logic dictates that sons and daughters of God should offer gratitude to both. Let us make a new destiny. Let us bind up our old wounds, celebrate our past loving experiences with Heavenly Father, and then also invite Mother God to express Herself by doing our portion of responsibility, returning credit to Mother God as well. What I really want is process-oriented delivery. I want women to have a say in processes. Is that unreasonable? Humanity is so, so beautiful, my best creation. You can be sure I will not abandon you, rain or shine. Can you help Me, though? Can you help Me build the ideal? Do your bit just a little, to make the future a little more perfect.
How God relates to womankind has been severely compromised. Since communication was between God and men alone, God’s heart is full of grief. My divinity has been compromised. God also wants to relate to us in a feminine way. God the Mother is working for and envisions a time when the world will not have a problem referring to Her as She. God has masculine and feminine love that can provide joy and happiness to others. We all want an experience with God. But if we don’t change the language with which we talk about God, we deny women and God the opportunity to speak her uniqueness and Herself. God likes to be referred to as a Woman God.
I am much more interested in enabling women to be free, true, able to separate from the past, including any snares, and, absolutely essential, being fully engaged with God, in love and in sharing. As we review femininity, we also have to review how women gaze upon themselves, opening up complete freedom for God. Why? Because that affords God full and complete expression. When we draw a line in the sand as to how much we will and will not do, it has to be a line drawn by women and men, and it has to be based on God consulted in the feminine and in the masculine. Sadly, I have rarely been consulted in the feminine.
Femininity is so valuable to God, that, of course, God would refer to herself as a She! So, who are we to become? We are to become the people who live with God, in all God’s aspects. We are to become the people who co-design with God, and not just with the Father. I am saddened that we don't know where we are going, not collectively, neither in consultation with God the Mother nor in consultation with women who have been in consultation with God the Mother. My triumph in the feminine would be to receive credit from humanity for My offerings. Blessed children: please return credit to God. Make Her life a triumph. Return love, initiate conversation with Mother God, and know that I would not push on you what you cannot bear. How much gratitude will God have for those who can carry the weight of Mother God? How much love would boil up insider Her, spilling out into blessing, near-unlimited blessing? Let us become the blessed children of God. Let us return blessing to God, to Her and to Him, that God might truly be triumphant!
Two genders do not automatically mean that one of the two is second best, for to say that is to say that either God’s Masculinity or God’s Femininity is second best, and I don’t hold to such subscriptions. I hold to subscriptions of appreciation, true value, and love, in all references to love in the ideal of God. Our triumph in a world of eternal value will involve women reviewing all things. |
Mother God's messages are received by Christopher Krefft Archives
June 2020
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