Many men are still thinking they’re far above their wives. Actually, in many cases, the opposite is the truth. The wives are much better people. The wife must come up somehow. The men don’t want to accept this because they’re afraid of falling from their high place and hurting themselves. So they’re hanging onto that position out of fear of losing everything because they don’t love themselves. The man who would really come down from that tower and realize his true position, his true relationship with Me, with himself, with his wife, he can begin to take steps along with his wife. But as long as he is on this tower and his wife’s down below him, he can never take even one single step because he’s not on the ground.
Even though this truth is not new, the words are new, yet the attitude of man toward woman is still very much the same. That’s why until man stops blaming women for the fall or looks at her as an inferior being, until he can reflect on his own wrong, then his wife has a rag stuffed in her mouth. She cannot say anything because she is not free. And neither does he doesn’t feel free within himself, the feminine side of himself, to be self-critical. This involves deep honesty with one’s self, with one’s partner, with Me. This is a realization each man and woman needs to have in front of Me. Opening up is something that demands a great depth, of needing something more. True humility is recognizing the divinity that God has put in each one of us.