God had not set out to make one generation or one gender superior to another. After women are able to liaise directly with God and report to their husbands and other women, we will see for the first time in history a God who is able to pursue Her Original Design. Men and women are designed to live happily in life, in families, in communities, in societies, spending time with each other and with God. This is why most people want to rely on God as the glue, as there is simply too much information for human beings to manage.
My vision extends far into the future, only now it includes women, which is why we can effect change on the global and cosmic levels. The vision must include all and be eternal. The vision must produce results, but women, men, and God, and even children must evaluate those results, given that the purpose of life is to pursue goodness.
God had not set out to make one generation or one gender superior to another. After women are able to liaise directly with God and report to their husbands and other women, we will see for the first time in history a God who is able to pursue Her Original Design. Men and women are designed to live happily in life, in families, in communities, in societies, spending time with each other and with God. This is why most people want to rely on God as the glue, as there is simply too much information for human beings to manage.
God is allowed to say what She does not like, just like any man or woman, without fear. Mother God hated the course of history as dictated by men alone. I don't want to be congratulated for pulling humanity out of hell iota by iota, inch by inch, hair by hair. Whose move is it? Whose age is it, women’s or men’s? But, as you women try to grapple with responsibility, don’t call Mother God irresponsible and a product of non-interventionist theory, please.
Generally, people do not communicate effectively about their needs unless there is a willing and capable audience. God isn't any different. The difference is that today we have seen change and there is a new foundation, and this presents room for education and for a new audience. Please consider My needs, as Mother to all. When can God begin on a regular basis to assist humanity, even as a friend? As a helpmate? As a lover? God is much more than a confessor. Almighty God is strapped and unable to express Herself. Only work can change this. When people really experience Mother God and say Mother God told me, things will change. When you liaise with God, you will get a good outcome. We need to make it applicable to whatever we do. I never left you, so what have you to come back to but the presence of God, in greater and more meaningful ways in your lives. This is the value of knowing the femininity of God, not just the Fatherly push, but the endless Motherly concern, presence and involvement. In the past, the focus was on the embrace of God, whether feminine or masculine, as received and felt, but none understood well, the desire of God to give. Though this confidence is yet to be built, the quiet moves of God are a blessing. In my mind’s eye, we are finally where we should be, subsequent to the steering of history that had occurred after the fall including the disgrace reception of God, in the garden. Eve and Adam lost the presence of God, but today God, in presence, is returned to all humanity, in place, ready to receive, regardless of past sin, without constraints to hereditary, collective or individual sin, even whilst celebrating the work of God and history to populate an idea of being without original sin. My origin is the same as my end. If I am comforted, all of humanity can be comforted. I am comforted, in all gender aspects. I am free. Then, so too are you. Do not feel you have to be held back by sin, but live, move, and breath with God, for even to live for God has new merit, with the option not to be deceived.
We are like the handicapped children of God. Parents are responsible for what their children do. That is my attitude as Heavenly Parent. My emotions can now flow to women, and women can articulate how their emotions are of God. And if they, in desire, want to be with God, they can further articulate how their emotions are not only of God but one with God in heart, love, gratitude, and any other specified emotion. We no longer have to fear emotions, because God, as co-owner of emotion, can employ acts of referenced love, in emotion, with women. Women will be able to fully share, in written texts, video clips, and in personal sharing how their emotions are of God, how what they are feeling is from God, and how God is with them in emotion. So we make life more enjoyable by giving but don’t think for a moment that that excludes laughter or anything else. I envisioned a world where no one would want.
I am tired of going it alone, bringing patience into the picture, time and time again. Disappointing responses break my heart. As a Mother, I have had enough of the violence. Surely you can see that. My skirts are torn, my breast bare, and My virtue put to question. Let us live the dream, work for the ideal, and manage violence. We are not the children of God who are to be provoked. We are not lambs to slaughter nor those who throw down our weapons of self-defense. Heavenly Father and I must ascertain our own righteousness. We must not be seen as the Great Being way out in front of our daughters and our sons. No, we, He and I, wish to be close. Decisions regarding the family cannot ignore the female part of the Godhead. I am not a Divine Being who wants to be mocked. You know that. Nobody wants to be mocked. It has to be a quality from God. Similarly, as First Woman, I do not want to be mocked
Mother God's messages are received by Christopher Krefft Archives
June 2020
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