I feel a little overwhelmed as a Creator. Impassioned, I feel a little bit bothered, I feel a little bit disturbed, I feel a little bit hurt, and I feel an overwhelming, compelling desire to liaison with women. And it is all I can do as a Creator to stop myself from going overboard with too much information and putting the cart before the horse. Still, God can’t claim that the horrors that God has gone through will magically go away. I have to accept that they transpired. What am I going to do about it? What is the forward reality? What is the method for sharing and how does it share? I need somebody who similarly understands what it feels like to be disjointed. The issue here is that I need a position where a relationship with God can be understood.
And so when we start talking about the soul, most of the time it has to do with religious expectations about heart, love, personality, relationships, family and how joy and happiness is produced. So there has to be a situation where people start relating to God about their souls, and they’re also communing or connecting with God about other aspects of God. And I am waiting enthusiastically to share with women about the heartache of being feminine and a woman and being unable to share with so many aspects of self. And sharing about the extreme limitations that have been place on us in history and then how do we change that? And in this sense, how do we liberate God? What do we say is liberated? It’s much more on the heart scale, it’s not just relieving grief or sorrow.